British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak answered questions from Members of Parliament today (Wednesday) at a Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) session, during which he responded to an MP's call for the UK to support a ceasefire in the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

Caroline Lucas, the only MP from the Green Party, said, “Until the UK government calls for an immediate ceasefire, it is complicit in Gaza. Not my words, but those of the head of Oxfam, who like every single agency trying to operate on the ground is clear: that aid can’t be effectively delivered while fighting continues. More UK aid is, of course, welcome, but even when it does get through, it can result in what one Palestinian aid worker calls ‘bombing us on full stomachs.’"

“24,000 people have already been killed. So can he tell us what will it take for him to back a permanent, bilateral ceasefire?” she demanded.

Sunak responded that "Of course, we want to see a peaceful resolution to this conflict as soon as possible. A sustainable, permanent ceasefire with an end to the destruction, fighting, and loss of life, release of hostages, and no resumption of hostilities, would, of course, be the best way forward."... Read More: Arutz-7