Despite the numerous weather disturbances this winter, business in Annapolis has continued (mostly) unabated.
This week, one of this session's core legislative priorities for both the Governor and Lt. Governor, the expansion of state funded pre-kindergarten education, was heard in both House and Senate committees. Lt. Governor Anthony Brown has been at the forefront of the issue, which would provide low-income families increased access to this level of education, generally not funded under standard public education. As many of the state's pre-kindergarten programs are operated by nonpublic schools, this issue became one of interest to Agudath Israel, Maryland CAPE (Maryland's chapter of the Council for American Private Education), as well as the other nonpublic school entities. Testimony was submitted in support of the measure, which could ultimately provide benefit to members of our community whose children are enrolled in eligible pre-schools.
Additionally, Agudath Israel submitted testimony in support of a legislative measure that would support greater access to certain services for children with special education needs who attend nonpublic schools.