The Hamas terror group has expressed uncertainty as to whether it could gather 40 civilian hostages for release in a prisoner swap deal with Israel, officials familiar with the negotiations said.

The terror group's uncertainty complicates talks for a deal which would include a six-week ceasefire, the return of Gazans to northern Gaza, and the release of hundreds of convicted terrorists in exchange for less than a third of the hostages currently held in Gaza.

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), a Hamas official said that the terror organization would not commit to releasing 40 living hostages, but would commit to 40 hostages in total.

Hamas took approximately 240 Israelis hostage on October 7, and approximately 100 were freed in a November 2023 prisoner swap. Of the 133 remaining, 34 have been confirmed dead, but later reports claimed that at least 50 had been killed, indicating that around 80 might still be alive.... Read More: Arutz-7