A huge rally took place in Tel Aviv on Saturday night, in front of the Kirya IDF base building. This event featured speeches from released hostages who survived Hamas's captivity. These survivors, along with their families, have urgently requested a meeting with the War Cabinet, advocating for the release of all hostages.

Hadas Calderon, whose children Sahar, 16, and Erez, 12, were recently released from captivity, expressed mixed emotions at the rally: "I am overwhelmed with joy and sadness. A miracle happened to me, and I pray the same for everyone else. I'm deeply moved to be here today, knowing that my beloved Ereziko and Saharki are safe at home. Their return has brought light and immense hope into my life. My very own superheroes have endured and made it back."

Calderon further described her children's experience: "They likened it [captivity] to the Fortnite war game, a game that transformed into a shocking reality, something beyond our wildest imaginations. Their first words to me were, 'Mom, you're alive, we didn't realize you were alive.' The harrowing uncertainty of who is alive or dead, and when this nightmare will end, haunts every hostage, leaving them in darkness and helplessness.

"Their testimonies are heart-wrenching and terrifying, marking an unprecedented journey through hell. It's an ordeal no child, man, woman, or person should ever endure."... Read More: JPost