BDE: Frederick Dexter, z’l [Help Making the Minyanim Would be Appreciated]

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 11/26/23

Baltimore, MD – Nov. 22, 2023 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of  Frederick Dexter, z’l, brother of Barry Dexter.

The levayah will be on Friday, November 24 at Sol Levinson at 10:30am.

The kevura will follow at Beth Tfiloh Cemetery.

 Shiva will be observed 3100 Labyrinth Road, Baltimore, MD, 21208 from Friday following the kevura through Thursday morning, November 30.

Minyan Times:

Monday-Thursday Shacharis: 6:45a

Sunday-Wednesday Mincha/Maariv: 4:35p

Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...