Deri: G-d Willing, I'll Be Back In Govt. Soon

By Arutz-7
Posted on 01/26/23 | News Source: Arutz-7

Shas chairman MK Aryeh Deri was interviewed by Channel 13 News Thursday night, his first interview since being fired from his positions as Interior and Health Minister at the order of the Supreme Court, which disqualified him from serving as a minister.

When asked if he intends to return to the government, Deri said: "With G-d's help, soon. The leaders of the coalition and the prime minister, the speaker of the Knesset, they understand that they must make amends. They knew I was going to be a senior minister in the government, they voted for me. That judges in the Supreme Court tell the Shas voters 'Did you vote for Aryeh Deri for the Knesset, not for the government'? It's like saying to Shas voters, it's extremely unreasonable that you voted for Shas, you're crazy for voting for Shas."

"We are not anarchists, we respect the law, and therefore neither I nor the Prime Minister thought for even a second of disobeying the Supreme Court's verdict. We obeyed it, but we will fix it," he said.

Deri was asked if he had considered the crime for which he was convicted, and replied: "There is no citizen in the State of Israel who, if they had applied on him the test that they did to me for six years, would not have been found guilty of such offenses of failure to report. There is no one like that. I have nothing to take stock of. I take stock of myself in front of the Master of the Universe."