E-commerce Giant AliExpress Expands To Israel

By i24
Posted on 08/10/22 | News Source: i24

A large sale of products at reduced prices is currently taking place on the AliExpress website in Hebrew

The Chinese online retail giant AliExpress has announced that it will soon set up depots in Israel. 

The key is to shorten delivery times significantly to three to seven days - as opposed to a month or longer, which is how long it takes presently - but also reduce prices, which will initially concern a limited range of products, before being extended much more widely. 

A large sale of products at reduced prices is currently taking place on the AliExpress website in Hebrew to mark the opening of these warehouses, which will officially take place at the end of August. 

Israel is a growing market for the brand, as explained recently by its director of international development of the company in The Marker. He pointed out that sales in the Jewish state had grown very quickly, pushing AliExpress to gradually invest in marketing to the country's consumers. 

A clear sign of this interest in Israel: the country is only the fifth in the world to host AliExpress warehouses after Russia, the United States, Spain and Brazil. 

Jack Ma, the CEO of AliExpress’s parent company Alibaba, visited Israel in 2018, meeting with then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.