NCSY Mourns the Passing of Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, zt”l

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 05/25/22

With profound sadness, NCSY joins the Jewish world in mourning the passing of Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, zt”l. Rabbi Stolper was a trailblazing pioneer in the education of Jewish teens who served as the first full-time national director of NCSY and as the longest serving executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.

During more than forty years of working with Jewish youth, Rabbi Stolper built the NCSY movement from coast to coast. His work with NCSY directly impacted multitudes of Jewish households and played a defining role in Jewish life in the global Orthodox Jewish community for the past several decades. He created and developed modalities of experiential Jewish learning and living that have become the standard for inspiring commitment in Jewish students around the world. Rabbi Stolper subsequently assumed a broader role in communal leadership, serving as Executive Vice President of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America for eighteen years.

Rabbi Stolper was a widely respected teacher, educator, and thinker. A devoted disciple of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner, he was a musmach of the Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin / Gur Aryeh Kollel and held degrees from Brooklyn College and the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research. A prolific writer and editor, he was responsible for over 20 volumes and hundreds of articles on Jewish life and thought.

The levaya will be held tomorrow, Thursday, May 26 at Shomrei Hadas (3803 14th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218) at 9:00 AM EST with the kevurah in Israel at Har Menuchot. Click here to watch the levayah livestream.  

Rabbi Stolper was the husband of Rebbetzin Elaine Stolper, and father of Rebbetzin Michal Cohen, Rabbi Akiva Stolper, and Malki Kaweblum, a"h. 

Yehi zichro baruch. May his memory be a blessing.

המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים