Tens Of Thousands To Gather In Kerestir For Yahrzeit Of Legendary Saint, Reb Shayale (Steiner) Kerestirer On May 3-4

By BJLife International Newsroom
Posted on 04/26/22

Kerestir, Hungry - Tens of thousands of Jews from around the world will gather in the town of Kerestir on May 3-4 to mark the 97th yahrzeit of the legendary saint, Reb Shayale Kerestirer.

The yahrzeit will be marked with a series of impressive events beginning with a festive seuda on Tuesday evening May 3rd and conclude with a large gathering on May 4th. The events are being coordinated by Rabbi Moshe Yosef Friedlander, who heads the Reb Shayale Kerstirer Guesthouse organization, which operates a network of hospitality facilities in this town that have drawn many thousands from around the world throughout the year to the hometown of the legendary tzaddik, poel yeshuos and baal mofes, Reb Shayale Kerstirer zt”l.

Amongst the expected throngs will be many gedolei yisroel who along with most Jews could not travel to Kerestir in the past two years due to Covid-19 restrictions. Many Jews are already arriving early to spend Shabbos in Kerestir while others are planning to stay over the Shabbos following the yahrzeit. A special phone number (347.314.4193) is being posted to arrange  rooms  for those staying in the community on either the Shabbos prior or the Shabbos post yahrzeit. On Wednesday, the Guesthouse will offer regular shuttle bus service to the tzion of Reb Shayele.

Visitors to the Guesthouse attest to the lofty standards of hachnosas orchim. They applaud the first-class culinary menu, the individual attention, and the response to every need of a traveling Jew. It is the only glatt kosher hospitality center in Europe that is open year-round free of charge to all visitors.

Some of the latest projects of the Guesthouse is a new mikveh and a planned hotel as Rabbi Friedlander continues to expand one of the most visited holy sites in Europe. The Guesthouse facilities of late have also absorbed thousands of Ukrainian Jews fleeing the war zone. Rabbi Friedlander and his devoted team not only provided hot meals to the arriving refugees but also provided them with temporary housing until they decide where to settle. The Guesthouse also shipped thousands of tons of food for Pesach to Ukraine itself, including 14 tons of Matzoh

Rabbi Friedlander, a descendant of chasidim of Reb Shayele who lived in Kerestir believes that his activities are a direct link to the holy tzaddik, offering Jews around the world an opportunity “to pour their hearts out” to the legendary saint who was recognized for his piety and his ability to help Jews regardless of their background. Many volumes could be filled with Jews who were helped by Reb Shayale’s ability to be a poel yeshuos. Although Reb Shayele passed away in 1925, there are many Jews who attest to the yeshuos they benefited from after they visited the kever of Reb Shayele.