Pikesville Revitalization Plan Approved

By BJLife/Councilman Israel 'Izzy' Patoka
Posted on 10/25/21

Last Thursday, the Baltimore County Planning Board voted to approve the Pikesville Revitalization Plan as amended. This is terrific news, as our office has been working with many Pikesville community organizations, business stakeholders, residents and county staff over the last several years to bring this to fruition.

This revitalization action plan focuses on the Pikesville Commercial Revitalization District (CRD). Several recommendations were outlined in previous plans, but without adequate funding and a persistent project campaign, many were never addressed or became unfeasible.

Pikesville has a rich history and the community embraces a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds. Pikesville’s neighborhoods are among some of the oldest in Baltimore County.

The purpose of this plan is to develop a realistic strategy that will encourage revitalization in the Pikesville CRD, promote adaptive reuse of significant properties and outline goals that will begin to address several longstanding issues.

Through prioritization and reinvestment in high impact areas, the revitalization of Pikesville is achievable.

To review the plan, please click here.