Holocaust Survivor's Daughter Named US Ambassador To Germany

By Arutz-7
Posted on 07/05/21 | News Source: Arutz-7

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann to return to the country her father fled from the Nazis - as the American Ambassador.

US President Joe Biden has announced that he has decided to appoint University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann to be America's Ambassador to Germany.

Gutmann, if the Senate approves her appointment, will be the first woman to serve as US ambassador to Berlin and her appointment has been deliberately announced in recent days ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to the White House in about a week and a half.

Gutmann's father escaped from Nazi Germany at the beginning of the Holocaust and she said in an interview almost a decade ago that her Jewish father's stories about the conduct of Nazi Germany had a profound effect on her personality and made her specialize in studying the democratic processes and ethics.

"My father's entire family would have disappeared from the face of the earth and I would not have been born if he had not convinced his family to flee Germany," Guttman said.

She will now return to the country from which her father fled decades ago as the official representative of the United States.