Nasrallah Satisfied With Trump's 'Humiliating' Defeat

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 11/11/20 | News Source: Arutz-7

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday delivered a speech in which he welcomed the loss of Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

"The Trump administration was one of the worst in the United States, if not the worst," Nasrallah said, adding that he was personally pleased with Trump's "humiliating" defeat.

At the same time, he also said that the expected change in administrations would not change US policy in the Middle East and it will continue to be pro-Israel.

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Nasrallah also warned of a potential American and Israeli attack during the two months remaining in Trump's term, and called on his allies to be "highly prepared" during this period.

The Hezbollah leader also commented on the talks between Israel and Lebanon on the maritime border, saying Lebanon was negotiating from "a position of strength".

"Like we need to draw up the maritime border to benefit from oil and gas in our regional waters, so does the enemy," said Nasrallah.

"He who wants to prevent us from benefiting from oil and gas knows that we too can prevent him from doing so," he added.