Extremist Imams Justify Paris Beheading As An ‘Honor To Mohammed’ (2 Videos)

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 11/05/20 | News Source: Vosizneias.com

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — An imam delivering an address at the Al-Aqsa mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem described the horrific beheading of a teacher in Paris as an “honor to Mohammed”. The Imam claimed that Islam has no connection to terrorism except for “terror against the enemy.” This terror justifies military preparations required to fight such an enemy. However what the world calls “terror” when a Chechnyan youth beheaded a teacher, this is deemed a “great honor” that there is such a person defending the honor of Mohammed and he his following in the footsteps of “great men and women” who defended the honor of the prophet.

A similar extremist viewpoint was expressed by another imam in Montreal, Canada. Speaking in English, the imam described the teacher as an “evil-spirited man” and as a “filthy excuse of a human being” and justified his “beheading”, adding that Muslims should boycott all French products because of their contempt for Mohammed.