Parshas Ha'azinu - Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

By R' Shaya Gross, z'l
Posted on 09/25/20

[Ed. Note] Out of the respect and recognition of the impact made by longtime BJL friend and contributor, Reb Shaya Gross, z’l, we will maintain a living memoriam to Shaya through the sweet words and thoughtful insights of  his Divrei Torah. BJL readers will remember his weekly column on the Parsha and on various Torah ideas and concepts. These meaningful words will help us remember this special young man who will be sorely missed and for those who did not merit to know him, this will be the most appropriate way for them to become familiar with who he was.

{Note: Shaya did not have any dvar torah on Parshas Haazinu, but here is a beautiful piece from Rabbi Frand.

The pasuk [verse] from which we learn the mitzvah to write a Sefer Torah says “And now write for yourselves this song…” [Devorim 31:19]. The Torah refers to itself as a “Song” (Shirah). Why is Torah called Shirah?

Rav Herzog once gave the following explanation: In virtually all fields of study, a person who is uninitiated in that discipline does not derive any pleasure from hearing a theory or an insight concerning that field of study. Take physics, for example: A physicist will derive great pleasure from hearing a “chiddush” [novel interpretation or insight] in his field of expertise. However someone who has never studied and never been interested in physics will be totally unmoved by the very same insight. The same applies to many, many other disciplines.

However, this is not the case with music. When Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is played — regardless of whether one is a concertmaster or a plain simple person — there is something one can get out of it. Music is something that everyone on his or her own level can enjoy. Everyone can relate to music.

Rav Herzog says that this is why the Torah is called “Shirah”. On one hand, someone can be a great Talmid Chochom [Torah Scholar] and learn “Bereishis Barah Elokim…” [the first three words of the Torah] and see great wisdom therein. On the other hand, one can be a five-year-old child, just beginning to read, and learn “Bereishis Barah Elokim…” and also gain something from it. Every person, on his own level can have an appreciation for Torah. Therefore, the pasuk aptly refers to Torah when it says “And now, write for yourselves this ‘song’…”
[The dvar torah was taken from]