Health Update from Bais Yaakov of Baltimore [Sept. 10, 2020]

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 09/10/20

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 10, 2020:

Dear Bais Yaakov Parents and Staff,

As COVID continues to impact our community, we are trying our best to keep Bais Yaakov's environment safe so we can continue to keep school open.

We are informing you that as of late last night, several individuals in the Bais Yakov family have tested positive for Covid.  We have been in close contact with our medical advisory board, as well as the Maryland Department of Health and received their guidance in arriving at the following actions:

·        A second grade class with a teacher and a student testing positive are closed/quarantined for 14 days.

·        A sixth grade homeroom class and one math class with a student testing positive is closed and quarantined for 14 days.

·        Two additional sixth grade classes with a teacher testing positive, are closed for a day pending further clarification.

·        The entire seventh grade is closed and quarantined due to a positive case and the fact that classes mix with each other due to educational tracking.

In addition, we wanted to clarify a few points:

Why did the school have to close classes if everyone was wearing masks?

Wearing a mask helps limit the spread of disease. Nevertheless, if there is an exposure in a room and the students are in the same area (distanced less than 6 feet) for more than 15 minutes, it is considered an exposure - even if masked. Depending on the precise circumstances, it is likely that the class will have to close.

How does a family isolate a child – especially if she is young?

An earlier email outlined the definition of isolation for those who need to stay home. However, we realize that many of our students are very young and that complete isolation is not possible.  As such, parents should help the student as best as they can, to stay separate from the family, in an age appropriate manner, including distancing and masking. Siblings of a student who is home due to an exposure, may come to school.

We understand how difficult this situation is for students and parents, and we are mispallel for the reality to change. However, we need to move forward with the medical advice we have received in order to ensure the safety of our students and faculty. Please continue to bear with us as we deal with a situation where things change very quickly. We are doing our best to act responsibly, deliberately and expeditiously.

We remind you that the school’s ability to keep classes open is based on the information you provide in the daily health form. It is imperative that it be completed accurately and honestly as it is the best protection we have against contagion, the spread of the virus and class closures.

We daven for Siyata Dishmaya that our students, staff and their families, should be healthy as we continue to navigate the challenges of the Coronavirus.

With best wishes for a ksiva v’chasima tova and yeshuos for all of Klal Yisroel.

Bais Yaakov Administration