Important Message From Hatzalah Of Baltimore (Apr. 19 @3:08PM)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 04/19/20

Baltimore, MD - Apr. 19, 2020 - Hatzalah is grateful that the community is only calling for true medical emergencies.  This avails our resources to those who are truly in need.  Although COVID-19 is on the forefront of all our minds, please do not hesitate to call Hatzalah for non COVID-19 emergencies.  Heart attacks, strokes and other emergencies still occur, and care should not be delayed out of concern that emergency rooms are “full” of COVID-19 patients. 

Fortunately, due to the community compliance with social distancing and working together to be proactive, the need for COVID-19 emergency transports has been relatively low.  Please continue these efforts.