Rabbi Pinchos Rabinowitz: On a Regular Day

By BJLife/Rabbi Pinchos Rabinowitz
Posted on 03/26/20

Baltimore, MD - Mar. 26, 2020:

Dearest Baltimore Community,

As I sit in my home-office, I am compelled to share with you my thoughts.

On a regular day:

I get up at 6 am and go to Daf Yomi, drive my son to yeshivah, hurry back to shul for Shacharis, rush back home, and grab a bite before staring my busy work day. The day would start with reviewing all medical cases with our Service Coordinator and the heads of our various service departments.

On a regular day:

I would be busy visiting patients in Sinai, Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, GBMC and any other hospital with a member of our community.

On a regular day:

I would be meeting a doctor, speaking to care-management staff, a physical therapist or another clinician. I would be sitting in my office doing research, consulting our medical community for a doctor’s referral or on a conference call with a doctor’s office trying to help expedite an appointment.

On a regular day:

I would be facilitating an emergency transfer from Israel, New York or anywhere around the world to one of our local world-renowned Medical Institutions.

These past two weeks:

There is no minyan. Shiur is on the phone. There is no carpooling.

I am not allowed to see patients personally. All my work now is being done by phone, email, and zoom conferencing. Our world has changed all around us. The streets are empty. The non-essential stores are closed.

It has been two weeks that our schools have closed and more than a week that our shuls and yeshivas have been shuttered. We sit at home with our families and venture out only for essential needs


And why is this?

Because this is what our Rabbonim told us to do!

As we sit at home and check the news in Eretz Yisroel, New York, New Jersey and other states, we can only wonder…

We still do not know what is in store for us... but…

This is a time to give thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

This is a time to give thanks to our beloved Rabbonim who with their Syaate D’shmaye, Daas Torah had the courage to come up with a decision that must have been the hardest in their respective careers. To close our yeshivas and shuls. For all to daven at home without a minyan. To forgo Krias Hatorah, Limud Hatorah B’rabim. To forgo Amen, Yehey Shmai Rabbah

This is a time to thank all our school minahalim and their respective school boards and presidents who are always on the lookout for the best for our children. It could not have been easy to come to the decision to close our schools. With the encouragement of our Rabbonim they did the correct thing.

This is a time to thank all the medical professionals and doctors in our community who helped the Rabbonim come to the correct decision. A time to thank all members of Hatzalah who not only put their lives on hold to help others, but literally put their lives on the line as well.

This is a time to thank all the great organizations in our community. Specifically, Ahavas Yisroel for spearheading a program to deliver food and help to people in their homes and keep them safe. A time to thank all our community volunteers who selflessly and safely help all others in need. We look out for and check in on one another!!

I would like to personally thank the volunteers of Bikur Cholim of Baltimore for the work they do in keeping our Kosher Hospitality Pantries in hospitals up and running despite having to adhere to special safety rules. Your mesiras nefesh for the community does not go unnoticed. 

We are praying that the hospitals will allow us to continue and we will make a concerted effort to keep you informed.

This is a time to thank the entire community of Baltimore who put our Rabbonim first. We listen, we respect, and we know that they are always there for us. Let us remember that our Rabbonim of Baltimore always have our ruchnius and gashmius in mind.

May Hashem watch over our great community and all of Klal Yisroel. May He give us only Simcha and Nachas! May we have a Chag Kosher V’sameach

Resectfully yours,

Rabbi Pinchos Rabinowitz

Executive Director

Bikur Cholim of Baltimore