Names of Jersey City Shooters Released

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 12/11/19 | News Source: MATZAV

The two people who stormed a kosher grocery store in Jersey City with rifles, killing three people inside and also murdering a veteran detective, have been identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham, four law enforcement sources familiar with the case tell News 4.

Three sources say Anderson was a one-time follower of the group, the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. There was a note with religious writings in the U-Haul he and Graham allegedly drove to the scene. Officials also said there were online postings connected to Anderson’s social page with anti-police and anti-Jewish writings. Investigators are looking to see if Anderson himself posted that material.

The new details came shortly after local authorities announced a review of surveillance video clearly showed the market was targeted, though they, along with state and federal investigators, say a precise motive remains under investigation.

The footage shows the shooters deliberately bypass other people on the busy street, aiming directly for people inside the kosher deli.

“We now know this did not begin with gunfire between police officers and perpetrators and then move to the store,” Shea, the brother of NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, said. “It began with an attack on the civilians inside the store.”

A timeline of the bloodshed remains under investigation.