Updated as of Nov. 5 @ 1:20 PM - BDE: Shmuel Chernitzky, Z’L

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 11/05/19

Baltimore, MD – Nov. 3, 2019 - It is with deep sadness that BaltimoreJewishLife.com informs the community of the petirah of Shmuel Chernitzky, Z’L, husband of Faigy Chernitzky (nee Grabel), father of, Elimoshe (Aliza) Chernitzky, Naftali (Barbra) Chernitzky, Dov Chernitzky, Bryna (Avi) Green, Avraham (Rachel Tova) Chernitzky, Nechama Chernitzky, and Shlomo (Ariella) Chernitzky, siblings, Shirley Goldaper, Tzvi Chernitzky, Guitele Chernitzky, Martha Chernitzky, and Yojele Arditi, and many loving grandchildren.

Shiva will be observed at 3905 Glengyle, Baltimore, MD, 21215.

Please no visitors between 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Shacharis: 6:45AM (Sunday: 8:00 AM)

Mincha/Maariv: 4:45PM (Mincha Erev Shabbos: 3:00 PM)

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach...