If Ths Isn't Anti-Semitism...'Rise Up Ocean County' Targets The Siddur, Claiming Davening Proves "Anti Gentilism”

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 02/17/19 | News Source: MATZAV

Facebook group Rise Up Ocean County, a group dedicated to ending the growth of Orthodox Judaism in Ocean County, has repeatedly denied being antisemitic and instead claims they are trying to end “corruption” in the County. This is despite consistently pointing a finger at the Jewish population as the root cause for the problems in the area.

Now, however, the facade has faded away and the group has sunken into open racism. In a recent post, the group calls to attention the brochos made by Jewish men every day where we thank Hashem for not making us a slave (shelo asani eved), a woman (shelo asani isha), or a non Jew (shelo asani goy). Note that this has nothing to do with the County anymore and is a direct challenge to Judaism.

Like many anti semites in history, RUOC is using these brochos to imply that Jews are secretly suffer from “Anti Gentilism” – a claim that has its roots in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and has been rebuffed again and again but still pops up on anti semetic forums such as Stormfront.

In a silver lining to the this dark cloud, the post has garnered several comments from Orthodox Jews explaining that these brochos are in no way a sign of “Antigentilism.” Unfortunately, as history has shown time and again, answering up to anti semites rarely leads to a satisfactory conclusion.