STAR-K and HATZALAH present Tips for Safe Pesach Kitchen Prep

By BJLife/Margie Pensak
Posted on 03/15/18

Baltimore, MD - March 15, 2018- As we head into the home stretch weeks before the cooking and baking marathon begins for Pesach, kashering your kitchen may be the next thing on tap—literally and figuratively!

Hagolah (dipping items such as silverware, pots, and silver bechers in boiling water); Iruy (pouring boiling water on sinks and counters); as well as Oven Kashering, all pose potential safety hazards for those who are not mindful of--or are nervous about--what they are doing.

It was Hatzalah that approached STAR-K Kosher Certification about the high number of kashering-related injuries that Hatzalahs treat, globally, especially days before Pesach. Sharing these same safety concerns for kosher consumers, STAR-K and Hatzalah have partnered to present “Kashering Safety Tips”

“We get many phone calls, every year, for guidance in kashering for Pesach,” notes STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler. “We find that either people are not kashering properly or they are not kashering safely. We are happy to partner with Hatzalah to help ensure that kashering for Pesach is being done, both halachically and safely.”

For full kashering guidelines, please either see STAR-K Rabbinic Administrator HaRav Moshe Heinemann’s article, “The STAR-K Pesach Kitchen”, see the 2018 STAR-K Passover Directory; or download the STAR-K app.

Wishing you a chag kasher v’sameach AND a safe one!

 In case of a medical emergency, call Hatzalah of Baltimore, 410-358-0000.