Baltimore, MD - Feb. 28, 2017 - This past Motzei Shabbos, 30 couples gathered at Serengeti for a wine-and-food-tasting to support the children of SHEMESH.  In a uniquely classy and warm atmosphere, guests were treated to mouth-watering delicacies paired with the perfect wines.  Three wine industry representatives were present to answer questions, discuss the ins and outs of the available wine offerings, and share a festive Melava Malka.

The evening’s co-chairs, Meir Raskas and Shmop Weisbord, had promised a singularly enjoyable time and they kept their word.  A few contests – guessing the number of corks in a jar and identifying three wines – added some excitement to the event, as well.

While guests were appreciating the ambience, they heard a short piece of information about the role of SHEMESH in our day schools and its mission to help children with learning differences succeed in school and in life.  Shmop Weisbord singled out The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore for special thanks in recognition of its undertaking to help support SHEMESH as a program of The Associated. (As Shmop said, now you know one of the ways your contributions are being used.  And right now, The Associated Campaign is doubling any new or increased contribution.

Lara and Larry Franks gave new meaning to elegant appearance and taste and all agreed this was a great way to support SHEMESH!  Want to know more?  Visit us at

Photo Credit: BJLife/B. Ansbacher Photography