Updated as of Oct. 16, 3:06 PM -BDE: Reb Moshe Tzvi Gelb, A'H

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 10/16/17

Baltimore, MD – Oct. 16, 2017- It is with deep regret that BaltimoreJewishLife.com informs the community of the petirah of Reb Moshe Tzvi Gelb, z’l, father of Reb Nota Gelb.

Rabbi Nota Gelb will be sitting shiva for the loss of his father, R' Moshe Tzvi Gelb, A"H.


The levaya is today, Monday at 4:00 pm in Lakewood at the 7th Street Chapel, 700 Ramsey.

Rabbi Nota Gelb will be traveling with the aron to Eretz Yisroel. The kevura will be in Beit Shemesh.

He will sit shiva for a short time at the home of Yitzchok and Chava Sheindel Boehm at 114/2 Rechov Sanhedria Murchevet. The phone number for the Boehms is 011-972-2-532-4428.

He will return to sit shiva first in Boro Park on Wednesday - Shacharis at 8:00am at 1142-56th St.

He will then sit shiva in Lakewood on Thu-Fri-Sun at the home of the Adlins at

120 Central Ave.  Shacharis at 8:00 am.  Mincha/Maariv bzman.

R' Nota can be reached on his cell phone: 410-961-0769.  The home phone number for the Adlins is 732-367-2132.

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach...