Israel’s Underground Barrier with Gaza to Extend into the Sea

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 08/10/17 | News Source: MATZAV

The underground barrier that Israel is building to prevent infiltration into Israel from Gaza via tunnels will stretch into the Mediterranean to stave off Hamas infiltration by sea, Anna Ahronheim reports for the Jerusalem Post.
During the 2014 Gaza war, five Hamas naval commandos tried to infiltrate Kibbutz Zikim by sea, and since then Hamas has significantly expanded its naval commando unit. The head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj.-Gen. Eyal Zamir, said Wednesday that the barrier is expected to be completed within two years and that no tunnel will be able to cross it.
Zamir said many of the tunnels run under civilian homes in Gaza, and he presented two residential buildings used by Hamas. “Any civilians who stay in these buildings endanger their lives and the lives of their families….Every building over a tunnel is a legitimate military target.”