23-Year-Old Hadas Malka, H'yd, Border Policewoman Murdered in Yerushalayim Terror Attack

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 06/16/17 | News Source: Arutz-7

23-year-old Border Police officer killed in combined shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Hadas Malka, H'yd, a 23-year-old Border Police officer, was murdered in a combined shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday evening.

Four other people were wounded, among them two moderately and one lightly.

The attack took place around 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, when two terrorists armed with knives and rifles attacked people at Zedekiah's Cave. They were neutralized by security forces.

A third terrorist stabbed Malka, who was stationed at the Damascus Gate. He, too, was neutralized by security forces.

Malka, who suffered critical injuries, was evacuated to the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital, where she later succumbed to her wounds.

The other victims were taken to the Shaarei Tzedek Hospital.

The area of the Damascus Gate has been repeatedly targeted by terrorists. Last month, a knife-wielding female Arab terrorist attacked officers who were deployed at the Damascus Gate.

Officers responded quickly to the attempted stabbing attack, neutralizing the terrorist before she was able to reach her intended target.

In April, an Arab terrorist from the city of Shechem (Nablus) wounded three Israelis at the same place, before being eliminated by Border Police.

The attacks are part of the ongoing terror wave that began in October of 2015, on the eve of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.