JCN Women’s 5K Care Run & Walk Event: A Win-Win for Everyone (Photos)

By BJLife/Margie Pensak
Posted on 06/06/17

Baltimore, MD - June 6, 2017 - 20-year-old Emma Michelsohn was the fifth top individual fundraiser at this year's JCN Women's 5K Care Run & Walk event held at the Maryland Zoo of Baltimore, on June 4. Bringing in $2,370, her fundraising success helped her team (“Team Giving Back”) meet its goal to raise $10,000. Thanks to her efforts, the team blew past that goal and hasn't stopped yet.

“Last year, I was unmotivated to raise money, and just showed up to the race,” recalls Emma, one of 650 participants. “I know a lot of people are like me, very shy or introverted, and they feel uncomfortable soliciting people for sponsorships. The Jewish Caring Network is such an amazing organization; it really speaks for itself.  People want to give tzedakah; it’s such a big mitzvah and they have maser to give. Just ask the question; it won’t hurt. People shouldn’t be shy.”



Once again, Rochel Ziman, who headed the 67-member “Team Bonnie”—this time, in memory of her mother, Bonnie Ziman, a”h-- clinched the trophies for both the top team and individual fundraiser, raising $31,700 and $7,700, respectively.

“People asked us in the shiva house, ‘What can I do for you?’,” relates Rochel, who fundraised together with her sister, Devora. “We told them there’s not much they can do, besides helping us show our hakaras hatov by giving back to JCN. We surpassed our original team goal of $20,000 because everyone saw what JCN did for everyone in the family, and they were moved.”

Last year, Yona Openden, whose husband, Yossi, owner of Elle Remodeling (an event sponsor), placed second. This year, she ran the course in 26:18.5 minutes, clinching first place by .3 seconds.



Despite the fact that Janine Chapman, who did the 5K with her 5-year-old granddaughter, came in second to last, she shared, “I don’t care which place I came in. I feel so accomplished that I actually walked it and raised money for JCN and all the good they do. I set my fundraising goal at $180, and I raised over $1,000…The achdus of women coming together from different segments of the Baltimore Jewish community and all walks of life was incredible.“

“Darrell and I had been running charity races and thought it would be a great thing for JCN, so I mentioned it to JCN Director of Operations, Stacey Goldenberg; two years later, it organized its first run,” notes Sherri Zaslow.

This year, instead of cheering and waving participants over the finish line, she ran it, together with out-of-town relatives and others who joined her “Doing It for Darrell” team, in memory of her recently deceased husband, who ran it every year.



“This year, we will have a “Doing it for Darrell” team for the men’s 5K, too [Sunday, June 25, at the Timonium Fairgrounds],” says Sherri. “We are determined to raise a ton of money for JCN. I loved them before, but now, it’s personal. I’m indebted to JCN more than ever and I’m determined to start a JCN Charity Team in “The Princess Half Marathon”, in Orlando, in 2019.”

“This year’s 5K gave equal recognition to those who placed tops in fundraising and in the actual race,” concludes JCN 5K Race Director Vicki Reches, who also added how incredibly inspiring it was to watch the cohesiveness among the teams in order achieve one common goal.

As Emma Michelsohn put it, “If ten people give ten dollars each, it adds up to $100! No amount is too small; it all adds up and will help so many families.”