Four Baltimore Shuls Particpate in Annual Pre-Shavuos Yarchei Kallah at Yeshivas Ner Yisrael

By BJLife/Reb Eli Greengart
Posted on 05/29/17

Baltimore, MD – May 29, 2017 - Yesterday, the Sunday before Shavuos, Yeshivas Ner Yisrael hosted a Yarchei Kallah for four local shuls: Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek (Rabbi Dovid Heber’s Shul), Kehillas Bnei Torah (Rabbi Yonason Aryeh Seidemann’s Shul), Kehillas Kol Torah (Rabbi Yosef Berger’s Shul) and Kehillas Derech Chaim (Rabbi Pinchas Gross’s Shul).

This pre Shavuos Yarchei Kallah was started by Rabbi Dovid Heber for his Kehilla. It has expanded to include other Kehillos. There was a full day program of learning with shiurim from Rabbeim and Yungeleit.

(Photo Credit: Reb Eli Greengart)