Jerusalem Parking: Gone Are The Days Of Parking Meters And Ticket Machines

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 03/21/17 | News Source: YWN

The Jerusalem Municipality has decided to join Tel Aviv and payment for parking in the city is moving to smartphones, a reality that will leave many chareidim in a bind.

While this has been the case in Tel Aviv, one can only wonder how Jerusalem follows suit amid the realization the capital if home to many chareidim who do not have smartphones. However, there are solutions available.

Experts point out smartphone apps are the most cost effective means for the city to collect the parking funds since it eliminates hiring personnel to fill and service the various types of parking meters and parking ticket dispensers used in the past.

It is pointed out that Jerusalem is not the first city to make the move, following Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Rehovot.

An estimated 2 million Israelis pay for parking in Israel by smartphone application including the most popular, Pango and Cellopark.

Options available to drivers without a smartphone include calling Pango or Cellopark and ‘parking’ by phone or to use the Izipark prepaid parking system.