UPDATED - When Was The Last Time You Checked Your Mezuzos? L'Zechus Refuah Shelaima for Mrs. Tami Moskowitz--Tamar Adina Bas Kaina Shulamis

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 01/24/17


Baltimore, MD – Jan. 23, 2017 - When was the last time you checked your mezuzos? Perhaps, the time is NOW!

A mezuzah checking campaign is now underway in the merit of a refuah shelaima, complete and speedy recovery for Mrs. Tami Moskowitz-- Tamar Adina bas Kaina Shulamis.


As we learn in Yorah Deah: A personal mezuzah should be checked TWICE IN SEVEN YEARS; a public mezuzah should be checked TWICE IN 50 YEARS. Also, It is an active commandment to write the paragraphs of Shema and Vehayah im shamo'a and keep them on the door jamb. One should be extra vigilant with it. He who is vigilant with it will prolong his days, and the days of his children. If he is not careful with it, his days will be cut short.

To have your mezuzos checked, contact one of our local sofrim:

Rabbi Yosef Cotton - 410.358.6162

Rabbi Ayson Englander-410-598-5304

Rabbi Hershel Gholian-443-415-5603

Rabbi Moshe Rappaport-410-358-6560

Rabbi Moshe Rooshanshad-410-585-5981

Rabbi Binyamin Spiro-410-764-3634

In the merit of this great mitzvah, may Hashem protect K’lal Yisrael and grant Tamar Adina bas Kaina Shulamis--and all cholim-- a refuah shelaima b'karov!