Terror Attacks in Israel Doubled in September, Shin Bet Reports

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 10/21/16 | News Source: JP Updates

Shin Bet, Israel’s Internal Security Agency, said in its monthly report this week that terror attacks in September doubled compared to August. 26 attacks occurred in Jerusalem in September, compared with 13 the previous month, according to the report.

Attacks included the throwing of a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli vehicle on September 27, a stabbing attack which injured six security personnel, the wounding of soldier in a shooting attack near Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, and a pipe bomb attack on Israeli soldiers in the Bethlehem area on September 20.

The report found that attacks increased in September to 109 (78 of which were Molotov cocktail attacks), in contrast to 93 in August. 26 attacks took place in Jerusalem, compared with the previous month’s 13. 5 attacks attack took place in the Gaza Strip, compared with 13 in August.

Ten Israelis were wounded in terror attacks in September, though none died from their injuries. 274 people died in terror attacks from Oct. 1 2015 until Sept. 30 2016, the Palestinian Maan news agency was reported as citing by JTA. 235 of those casualties were Palestinians, though many were killed carrying out terror attacks. 34 Israelis and 5 foreign nationals, including two Americans, an Eritrean, one Sudanese, and one Jordanian, died as a result of terror.