Yahrtzeit of Ner Yisrael's Roshei Hayeshiva Commemorated (Photos)

By BJLIfe/Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Posted on 07/24/16

Baltimore, MD – July 24, 2016 - Yeshiva Ner Yisrael was founded in 1933 by Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, zt”l . The 14th of Tammuz marked  his 29th Yahrzeit and several days later, the 17th of Tammuz marked the 17th yahrzeit of his successor, Rav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg, zt”l. Each year, the yeshiva invites prominent alumni to speak to current students and alumni so that they too can absorb some of the life lessons gained by those who were privileged to be close talmidim of the Roshei Hayeshiva, zicronom livrocho.

On July 13, Rabbi Simcha Soloveitchik, shlita, addressed a Seudas Siyum and gave over vibrantly and with enthusiasm the legacy and mesorah of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Rav Ruderman, ,zt”l. On Shabbos, July 16, Rabbi Yitzchok Margareten spoke to the talmidim about his great rebbe, Rav Yaakov Weinberg,zt”l.

Ner Yisroel is blessed with an enormous legacy.

Rabbi Sheftel Neubergert says "We continue to thrive on the shoulders of our predecessors as we embody in our efforts the ideals and principles that we absorbed as their students and strive to imbue our students with our unique Mesorah.

The founder of Ner Yisroel, Moron Rosh Hayeshiva Horav Yaakov Yitzchok Halevi Ruderman, Zt”l, through his mastery and encyclopedic knowledge of Torah, including centuries of Talmudic Responsa, by his very presence challenged us to have a life’s goal of acquiring as broad a spectrum of  Talmudic knowledge as possible. Many of his disciples both here in the Yeshiva and throughout the Torah world are crowned with that achievement.

As a Talmid of the Alter of Slabodka, the spiritual Father of the entire world of Yeshivos, The Rosh Hayeshiva ingrained in the DNA of Ner Yisroel the ideal that each Talmid is unique and must be encouraged to develop his special capabilities that will help him succeed in life in whatever capacity he chooses, as long as he retains his connection to Torah learning and living. Furthermore, this ideal expressed itself magnificently in those who he chose to join with him in carrying forward the legacy of Ner Yisroel. Each was unique and was given the latitude to add the stamp of his personality to the fabric of the Yeshiva.

The dedication to Torah, Mussar, and Tefilla that expressed itself in the personality of the Mashgiach, Moreinu Horav Dovid Kronglas, Zt”l, still resonates within the walls of the Yeshiva as well as in the hearts and minds of our alumni who were privileged to know him.

The critical thinking and depth of analysis that was the hallmark of Morienu Horav Yaakov Weinberg, Zt”l, are clearly apparent in the learning and teaching of our present Hanhala. His acute understanding of the needs of our people and his unique ability to express it succinctly, enabled him to encourage his Talmidim to be able to confront the world. He planted the seeds of the Teshuva movement and was a source of inspiration, advice and encouragement to generations of Rabbis and educators."

Rabbi Jonathan Aryeh Seidemann of Kehilath B'nai Torah Congregation added that Rabi Simcha Soloveitchik mentioned that the Rosh HaYeshiva, ZTL, was a talmid of the Alter of Solbodaka, and that the Alter was not a Rosh Yeshiva, really, but a Mashgiach who in turn made the Roshei Yeshiva of the next generation, not only our Rosh Yeshiva, ZTL but Rav Aron, Rav Hutner, Rav Yaakov, Rav Dovid Leibowitz.

Just as the Alter saw in each one his capabilities to be developed in the service of Klal Yisrael , so too the Rosh HaYeshiva created within the Yeshiva the magnificence of Ner Yisroel by allowing the personalities of very different marbitzei Torah to thrive and to create an amazing mokom Torah and to be ma'amed Talimidim harbeh; these personalities were the Mashgiach Rav Kronglass, Rav Kulefsky, Rav Weinberg, zeceher tzadikim livrocho.

(Photo credit: Reb Eli Greengart)