Chevra Kaddisha Buries Bodies On Rented Land

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 06/29/16 | News Source: Matzav

The Calcalist magazine reports that a man who leased land to a Petach Tikvah chevrah kaddisha was shocked to discover that it had been used for the internment of two hundred bodies. He is suing to have his land returned “in the condition it [the chevrah kaddisha] received it for its use.”

The man’s attorney, Tal Gerstein, wrote to the court, “The honored arbitrator is hereby requested to obligate the defendant to remove its jurisdiction from the claimant’s land and to leave the claimant’s land empty and free of any object or person.”

There is little chance this will happen, for in Eretz Yisroel, even the evacuation of centuries old kevorim leads to huge public outcries