Silver Spring High School Grad Named Recipient Of 2016 Sarah Rivkah And Dr. Bernard Lander, Zt”L, Scholarships For Outstanding Ncsy Graduates

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 06/28/16 | News Source: NCSY

Abigail Trencher of Silver Spring was one of nine outstanding high school students from around the country selected to receive the prestigious Sarah Rivkah and Dr. Bernard Lander zt”l Scholarship, presented jointly by Touro College and NCSY, the international youth arm of the Orthodox Union. The scholarships, named in memory of Touro’s Founding President Dr. Bernard Lander zt”l and his wife Sarah Rivkah, were announced by Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish  and Orthodox Union President Martin Nachimson.

Touro College  a longtime partner of the Orthodox Union, offers scholarships to outstanding NCSY graduates who choose to attend one of Touro’s Lander Colleges in New York City: Lander College for Men in Queens (LCM), Lander College for Women/The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School (LCW) in Manhattan and Lander College of Arts and Sciences (LAS) in Brooklyn. 

Abigail served with distinction as an active member in both NCSY's New England and Atlantic Seaboard Regions. She plans on attending Tomer Devorah Seminary in Jerusalem prior to continuing at LCW.

Atlantic Seaboard Regional Director Rabbi Jonah Lerner praised Abigail’s “contagious love for Torah and her desire to help others has been an inspiration to all of us in Atlantic Seaboard NCSY. Her personal growth compliments her commitment to communal involvement and Jewish continuity.”

Touro President Dr. Kadish shared, “Dr. Lander always insisted that Touro offer scholarship opportunities to outstanding NCSY leaders. We have presented over two million dollars in such scholarships over the years, and it is only appropriate that these scholarships bear Dr. Lander’s name and the name of his beloved wife, Sarah Rivkah.”

OU President Mr. Nachimson added, “These scholarships represent yet another significant link between the Orthodox Union and Touro College,” noting that “NCSY’s Ben Zakkai Honor Society also offers scholarship assistance that enable these exceptional future leaders to attend yeshivot in Israel prior to enrolling in one of the Lander Colleges.”

Dr. Moshe Sokol, Dean of LCM, commented on the meaningful bond that exists between OU’s NCSY and Touro College. “Year after year, it is hardly a surprise that a large portion of our student leadership comes from the ranks of NCSY,” he said. “This well reflects the unmatched emphasis that NCSY places on empowering and inspiring the next generation of Jewish communal leadership.”

NCSY International Director Rabbi Micah Greenland said that each scholarship recipient’s "commitment to continued personal growth while pursuing a strong academic program is sincerely applauded, and is reflected in her or his decision to attend the Lander College Divisions of Touro College.”