Cheder Chabad Elementary Off To Police Training On Lag BaOmer (Photo Essay)

By BJL Staff
Posted on 05/30/16

Baltimore, MD - May 29, 2016 - The Cheder Chabad of Baltimore elementary boys division had a chance to meet their neighbors during a Lag Bomer tour of the Baltimore City Public Safety Training Academy. They were welcomed by Academy Director Major Mark Partee. They were given a tour of the K9 unit and were showed how the dogs are trained. The children joined an ongoing Police training class and asked the trainees questions about their typical day at the Academy. The students then thanked the trainees for their service to the community.

On the way out they got a glimpse inside of the Police Mobile command center that was setup in the parking lot.

The Cheder would like to thank Baltimore City Public Safety Training Academy director Major Mark Partee and his staff for hosting the students, and Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, Jewish chaplain of the Baltimore City Police Department for coordinating the visit.