Happening Now! Beware Of Individuals Trying To Gain Entry To Your Home Under False Pretenses

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 05/23/16

Baltimore, MD - May 23, 2016 - This was just posted on a neighborhood WhatsApp group in the in the Smith Ave area:

Just posting so everyone can be aware.... Just had three suspicious people knock on my door claiming to be from the utility company. and stating that they would like me to  open the door to speak in person ad I have not responded to their notices. They did not identify themselves, couldn't state which company they were coming from and did not wear any uniforms. When i refused to open the door they became upset and told us they needed to speak to us in person. They ended up leaving and I caught a glimpse of them through the window as they left-theya re two African American males and one female. The men were wearing jeans.

Please be careful before opening your doors tonight.


Name withheld for obvious reasons

[ED. Note: One of the males is in the street with a headlight on his helmet. Shomrim has been called]