Hot Dog Makers, Meat Sellers Shake Off WHO Cancer Report

Posted on 10/27/15 | News Source: VIN

New York - Hot dog makers and meat sellers say a report from the World Health Organization labeling wieners, and other processed meats as cancer-causers is baloney.

WHO said Monday that processed meats raised the risk of colon, stomach and other cancers. It also said red meat probably contributes to the disease, too.

Meat eaters at a New York food court mostly shrugged off the report Monday. And Wall Street investors seemed to do the same, with shares of meat producers little changed.

The North American Meat Institute, which represents meat producers, said the report was “alarmist.”

“Classifying red and processed meat as cancer ‘hazards’ defies both common sense and numerous studies showing no correlation between meat and cancer,” the association said in a statement.

Whether Americans will stay away from hot dogs, and other meaty treats remains to be seen. Visitors at a food court in New York’s Penn Station said the WHO report won’t change what they eat.

“People nowadays, they say ‘I’m going to change my eating habits,’ but when you’re hungry and you have to grab something close by, you’re going to eat there,” said Randy Duran of New York.

Clevie Henry from St. Lucia said the convenience and taste of processed meat outweighs the pitfalls.