EXTREMELY URGENT: Former Baltimorean, Father of 8 with ALS Needs Your help...NOW!

By BJL Staff
Posted on 09/03/15

UPDATED as of Sep.3, 2015 -  Dear Friends,

We hope everyone had a pleasant Summer.  Thank G-d we got through the summer, heat wave and a brief hospital stay not withstanding. We are feeling well now and looking forward to the Chaggim (High Holidays).

We are campaigning to ask everyone for a small donation of $5.00 (or more) to try and reach our financial goal, so that we can continue to take care of R' Dovid at home. Please feel free to share this campaign with your community and friends. Every little bit helps.

We want to wish everyone a sweet new year filled with blessing, good health and prosperity!

Rochel Frid

In the year 2011, Dovid was diagnosed with ALS -   Your Urgent Action Requested

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 12 - Originally from Baltimore,  Dovid Frid and his wife, Rochel (Reich) Frid, presently reside in Telzstone.

They both grew up in Baltimore. Dovid is the brother of Arlene Gittelson and Cathy Dinovitz.

Rochel graduated from Bais Yaakov Baltimore. Her parents are Rabbi, z'l & ylc't, Mrs. Leo Reich from Baltimore.


In the year 2011, Dovid was diagnosed with ALS, which causes complete deterioration of the muscles in the body. In the beginning, he fought heroically to function on his own, even after he was confined to a wheelchair. After many sleepless nights and on the verge of collapse ourselves, the family was forced to hire an additional caregiver for the night shift. Beyond this, there are other endless expenses involved. These costs, far beyond our means and not covered by insurance, have put us into debt.The disease has progressed to the point where Dovid is now fully paralyzed, on a breathing machine and can only communicate using advanced computer technology. He needs 24-hour surveillance to survive.

Please click here and help.

Any size contribution, small or large, will be a step toward defraying the endless expenses involved.

Please daven for a refuah shelayma for Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka.  

Dovid needs help from everyone and we are hoping the Baltimore community - and other communities as well - will do what it does best and pull together to help the family meet it's necessary goal ASAP to help alleviate the unimaginable agmas nefesh that accompanies such a horrific situation .

In the zechus of your thoughtful contribution, may HKBH bless you and yours with only good health, Yiddishe nachas and prosperity for your entire family.

Click here now to donate.