Beth Tfiloh Seventh Graders Make STAR-K First Stop on Jewish Baltimore Tour (Photo Essay)

By Star-K/Margie Pensak
Posted on 02/21/14

Baltimore, MD - Feb. 21 - How do Jewish Baltimoreans help and affect Jewish life in Baltimore? That was the trip objective for the seventh graders of Baltimore’s co-educational Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, on February 12, who made their first Jewish Baltimore tour stop the offices of STAR-K Certification. Other stops which gave the students a feeling of community pride and enabled them to relate to facets of Baltimore Jewish life which they may not have known existed, included: The Chesed Fund Limited, Hatzalah, Ahavas Yisrael, and Yeshivas Ner Yisroel--where the boys had a private audience with the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlita, while the girls met with a rebbetzin who shared what her life is like living in a Yeshiva community.

[Ed. Note: Look forward to reading about the rest of this wonderful day in upcoming articles on]

STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Baruch Beyer, an expert in industrial kashrus and an experienced high school instructor, gave an interactive session on kosher basics and the challenges of keeping kosher. The close to fifty students enthusiastically asked excellent questions, such as: ‘How could grape juice not be kosher’; ‘what happens if non-Jews handle the grapes’; and, ‘what is in Bac-O Bits’?

The engaged students’ interest was piqued further when one of the most popular slides in the PowerPoint presentation used to augment Rabbi Beyer’s lecture portrayed an expensive Zenvo sports cars. "I used the mashal of the car for why we keep kosher,” explained Rabbi Beyer. “Just like a sports car owner needs to follow the manufacturer's manual to utilize the proper fuel in order to obtain the maximum performance from the car, Jews need to follow their manufacturer’s manual, the Torah, to only eat the proper foods that will fuel and get the most out of their Jewish soul and body." 

“Star-K greeted us with a warm welcome,” said Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky, Middle School Judaics Teacher/grade Advisor, Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. “The kids learned lots of content relating to the rules of Kashrut and gained an appreciation of the many details that are involved in the process of certifying food. Rabbi Beyer had the kids' attention from beginning to end. Everyone gained from his presentation, students and teachers alike.”

Seventh grader, Hailey G., said, “Beth Tfiloh’s Jewish Baltimore field trip was rich with learning, bonding, and recognizing Jewish values all throughout Baltimore…I absorbed a great deal of kosher knowledge from the Star-K, in addition to what I have learned in Mishnah class this year.” 

Classmate Joseph L. noted, “I never really realized the amount of work that has to be done to become kosher certified until I visited the Star-K. Not only do you need to know what the ingredients are, but you also need to know where they come from.”

"I was really impressed by the students’ enthusiasm and interest in kashrus" said Rabbi Beyer. "Their questions were insightful and sincere. It was really encouraging."