"For the Jewish students on campus it's  comforting to know the local Jewish community cares and looks out for them in such a vulnerable time."

-Efy Flamm

Director Jewish Collegiate Network

Towson Hillel would like to share that a deeply biased resolution calling for divestment has been introduced to Towson University (TU) Student Government Association (SGA) and will be voted on by SGA on Tuesday, May 7th. (The date has been chaged from the 2nd)The resolution's content can be viewed here.

BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) is an antisemitic, anti-dialogue, harmful and dangerous movement that threatens the safety of Jewish students on campus, while also fracturing the campus community as a whole. You can learn more about BDS and its impact here and here. In 2017, former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan signed an executive order recognizing this fact and prohibiting all executive branch agencies from engaging with BDS campaigns. You can read the executive order here

The resolution is currently progressing through the TU SGA’s legislative stages —- and we are asking for your support and the support of all members of the Towson Jewish community and our allies to sign this petition to VOTE NO on this piece of deeply biased and harmful legislation.

This petition will be submitted by members of Towson Hillel to SGA, the Towson University Foundation, and the TU administration as a piece of a larger effort to reject the proposal in its entirety. By signing this petition, we are signing off on the following statement: 

"We, the undersigned, urge the TU SGA to unequivocally vote NO on the current Divestment resolution and reject BDS from TU.
